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Space Availability - Addlestone Library

Study Rooms 

Study Rooms are for the exclusive use of College of Charleston students working on College course related work. Study Rooms are available on a first come first served basis. However, users without reservations must leave when requested by a student with proof of a valid reservation, i.e., a confirmation email of the reservation. Study Rooms may be reserved for 2 hours per day, up to 3 times per week, and up to 2 weeks in advance. Study Rooms are not soundproof, and noise should not be heard outside the rooms. Study Rooms may not be used for clubs, recreation, or meetings.

You can reserve up to 2 hours in one reservation! Simply click on a time slot and use the dropdown menu below to adjust the length of your reservation before you continue.

The following are available for collaborative student work without a reservation when not in use for library instruction: Rooms 122, 127, 227, & 360.

The following is available for silent study without a reservation: Room 311.

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